Friday, June 22, 2012

Observations From Cory Singer's New Lenox Townhall Meeting

Recently, my wife and I attended one of Cory Singer's scheduled Townhall Meetings. The meeting we attended was in New Lenox at the American Legion Hall located just off of Cedar Road, south of Laraway Road. The event was attended by what appeared to be about 20 people. Not a bad turnout for a picture perfect summer night where many people would rather find something other to do than sit inside and listen to anyone talk, let alone someone running for office. Overall, the crowd was attentive and intent on hearing what Mr. Singer had to say. 

Cory Singer began his almost 30-minute talk by explaining the role and purpose of the office he is running for: County Executive. The position is currently held by Larry Walsh, Sr., a Democrat, who has held the office for eight years. Mr. Singer discussed the role and responsibilities of the position, which as he explained it, are similar to that of "Mayor" or "President" of the county. The position has a veto power and has two primary tasks: to prepare an annual county budget and a county development plan.

He pointed out that over the last eight years, Larry Walsh has never proposed a realistic or responsible budget. Each year, the County Board, dominated by fiscal conservatives, has had to scale back and reject Mr. Walsh's regular proposal to increase county taxes. Mr. Singer pointed out that had Mr. Walsh had his way over the past eight years, county taxes would be 16% higher than they are today. Overall, were it not for the fiscal conservatives on the county board opposing Mr. Walsh's proposed tax increases, we would probably be in worse shape economically than we are now.

Mr. Singer then pointed out how Mr. Walsh has failed to deliver on his basic responsibilities as County Executive and how that is hurting Will County. For instance, the County Executive is supposed to prepare a County Development Plan. Larry Walsh has failed to prepare any plan for the county. Mr. Singer pointed out that Will County boasts one of the busiest inland ports in the country and remains one of the fastest growing counties in the US. Despite this, Will County has no economic development plan or any plan to execute the infrastructure improvements necessary to attract and keep new businesses in Will County or to manage effective growth.

Cory Singer then spoke about Larry Walsh's inaction on the issue of the proposed Peotone Airport. Mr. Singer accused Larry Walsh of standing by and doing nothing as Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. attempts to take control of the airport at the expense of Will County residents. Mr. Singer explained that Mr. Walsh, who is supposed to represent all Will County residents and look out for their interests; instead remains silent as Cook County Democrats attempt to steal Will County property and airport taxes. Taxes that would help enrich Congressman Jackson and his cronies in south Cook County. In his proposals to the FAA, Jackson wants all of the taxes from the airport to be given to and controlled by South Cook communities. Will County, under the Jackson plan, would receive nothing. Mr. Singer vowed to continue his fight against Congressman Jackson's and Mr. Walsh's plan to have Cook County control the airport.

Following his talk, Mr. Singer took questions from the audience. He was asked his position on the Peotone Airport. His answer? He isn't for or against the airport. Instead, the airport is an Illinois state project that will ultimately be decided at the state level. It will be up to Will County officials to get the best deal for Will County taxpayers. His intent is to ensure that should the airport be built, Will County is in control and not Cook county. He also took this opportunity to point out that Mr. Walsh would likely fail to accomplish this, since he has already demonstrated a lack of leadership on this issue.

Asked what he would do if elected and had the backing of a Republican County Board, Mr. Singer said he would present a budget to cut 5% from the County Budget, by cutting waste. When challenged on the realism of this approach, he remarked how he was able to do something similar when he sat on the Will County Forest Preserve District Board. While there, the District Board cut 5% of its expenses and froze employee pay raises for three years. He believes that this approach would work at the County level and would result in little noticeable change to essential services while continuing to keep taxes low. 

One questioner remarked that states like California, New York and Illinois are losing jobs to states like Texas, which are more business friendly.  This person then asked how Mr. Singer as County Executive would improve the business climate and attract jobs to Will County.  His answer was to concentrate on making Will County business friendly and to concentrate on improving the infrastructure to foster economic growth. Here, he drew a sharp contrast to the philosophical differences between himself and his opponent. He pointed out that while private business needs new roads and bridges and a supportive government to enhance economic growth, Mr. Walsh and County Democrats want to build new government office buildings to enhance government worker comfort. Mr. Singer also remarked how he as County Executive, would take his responsibility seriously by formulating a serious growth and development plan for the county.

Overall, Cory Singer comes across as competent and passionate about Will County. He knows what he wants to do and has a definite plan. He is someone who should be listened to and who deserves the vote of every citizen who cares about the quality of life here in Will County.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Republican Fundraisers and Other Events for Republican Candidates In the Coming Weeks

Here is a list of upcoming fundraisers and other events of interest to 13th Precinct voters:

June 14th: Cory Singer's "We Will" Campaign townhall in New Lenox  at 7 pm. New Lenox American Legion.

June 20th: Fundraiser for Asst. House Republican Leader Renee Kosel in Mokena (Renee is our General Assembly Representative)

June 21st: Fundaiser for Mark Batinick for Auditor in Plainfield
                 Fundraiser for Frankfort Township Republicans in Mokena (See our previous post for more information)

August 14, 2012 Will County Republican Women fundraiser with Demetra DeMonte speaker $75

Look for other events in July on the calendar, which you can access here:

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Join Cory Singer in New Lenox on June 14th for a Second In a Series of "We Will!" Townhall Meetings

Cory Singer, Republican candidate for Will County Executive, is having a Town Hall Meeting at the Tom E Hartung American Legion Post 1977 in New Lenox. The hall is located at 14414 Ford Drive, New Lenox. 
Come hear Cory's plan to stop property tax increases, balance the budget, grow the economy and keep Chicago politics out of Will County. Everyone is welcome to come and listen, ask questions and get involved. We need your help to make this event a success and show Cory our support!  It's a team effort, and WE WILL succeed!

Download Cory's Townhall Meeting Flyer here. 

Cory Singer

Frankfort Township Republican Organization Fundraiser - June 21st, 2012

Get your tickets for the Frankfort Township Republican Organization (FTRO) fundraiser set for June 21st at the Mokena VFW Hall, 19852 Wolf Road, Mokena. Tickets are $35 per person/$60 per couple. The event features dinner with a cash bar and live music by the Dave Molinari Band

Tickets may be purchased by emailing us at In the email, give us your name and telephone and we will deliver your ticket(s) to your door.

This fundraiser provides funding for our primary purpose as a Republican organization in Will County: to get out the vote for conservative candidates. These are the candidates that represent us locally and at the state and national levels. Over the past several years, the FTRO has been very successful in slating and electing conservative Republicans to local offices. With the new redistricting, the effort to get out the vote becomes even more crucial as we fight entrenched Chicago Machine candidates on the local ballot like Congressman Bobby Rush.

Rush, a convicted criminal and former Defense Minister for the Black Panther street gang, has overseen substantial population losses from his old congressional district over the past decade. However, despite this loss of population, a direct result of failed Democrat policies - the Democrats instead saved his district for him by grabbing enough suburban Will County voters to meet district population requirements. The Cook County Democrats hope is that Will and Cook County Republicans will be unable to overcome the number of Democrat voters in Chicago due to Republican voter apathy and discouragement.

By supporting our fundraiser, you support our effort to register new Republican voters and our Get Out The Vote campaign for this November. We have the numbers if we can educate enough voters on the failed policies of the Democrats and their apparent willingness to borrow and spend our state and country into oblivion. The recent results from Wisconsin suggest that it can be done even in a blue state. By buying a fundraiser ticket, you are saying "YES" to the election of conservatives who will say “NO” to tax increases and who will seek conservative solutions to our many problems in Illinois and at the national level.

We also use funds from our annual event to provide scholarships to local high school students going on to college. Recent winners were Bridgette Waldier from Lincolnway East High School and Samantha Lullo from Lincolnway North High School.

If attending the fundraiser doesn't pique your interest we are also accepting sponsorships.  Sponsorships are: Platinum at $1,000, Gold at $500, Silver at $250 and Copper at $200. Donors giving $200 or more will have their name listed on the front page of the FTRO website for the next eleven months: Please mail your sponsorship checks to:

Frankfort Township
Republican Organization
20821 Briarwood Lane
Mokena, Illinois  60448