Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Our Picks for Local Republican Candidates This Election Season

Dear 13th Precinct Neighbor,

     Increasing property taxes have driven people out of their homes and out of Illinois.
The Chicago Democrat Machine's long standing dominance of the Illinois General Assembly has driven
Illinois to become the worst debt-ridden state in the union.  As a Frankfort Township Precinct Committeeman
and resident for the last 28 years, I have gotten to know the all of the candidates on the ballot.
This election is different because of the big differences between the candidates.

Margo McDermed, running for reelection for Illinois House has lived in Frankfort Township for the last four
decades and has never voted to raise taxes. When the last unbalanced Illinois budget was up for a vote, Margo
was one of only 15 principled Republicans who voted NO to this Madigan deficit raising bill.
Margo’s opponent, a personal acquaintance of Speaker Madigan, just moved into the district from Cook
County. His purpose upon election, will be to do Madigan’s bidding.

Laurie McPhillips for Will County Clerk was endorsed by the last two Will County Clerks because of her
outstanding record of public service and integrity.  Laurie’s opponent left Arizona after forging and cashing a
check from the company she suddenly quit. This fact was originally pointed out by her party's primary
opponent. She moved to the Midwest and never has made restitution for the money she stole.

Steve Weber running for re-election as Will County Treasurer also has lived in Frankfort Township his
whole life and every year he has been in office he has figured out how to save taxpayers many millions of
dollars with tight fiscal controls and outstanding investments.  Steve’s opponent was previously turned out of
office as a Joliet City Councilman by the voters, for his part in a public housing scandal in Joliet.

Jim Reilly running for Will County Sheriff  is a highly educated, experienced and decorated law enforcement
professional.  The Democrat incumbent Sheriff’s policy is NOT to turn over arrested illegal aliens to ICE.
As a result, one such individual was just sentenced to 80 years in prison for rapes committed after being
released from custody despite an ICE immigration detainer.  

Judge Ben Braun who lives in Frankfort Township and Judge Victoria McKay Kennison are outstanding
jurists who have both been recommended by the Bar Association.

You can vote from home when it is convenient for you by requesting a Vote-By-Mail ballot from the Will
County Clerk website at:
Simply fill out the form and send it in. Some Robo-callers delete your phone number from their lists after your
ballot is sent in so you could expect to get a drop in the number of such calls.

Robert Swale
13th Precinct Committeeman
Frankfort Township