Saturday, January 14, 2012

Welcome to Frankfort Township 13th Precinct Republicans Blog Spot!

Map Showing Will County Illinois, Frankfort Township, 13th Precinct (in pink)

Allow me to introduce myself to my fellow Will County, Frankfort Township, 13th Precinct Republican and Republican leaning voters. My name is Robert (Bob) Swale. I have lived in Will County and in Frankfort Township  now for nearly 22 years. My wife Linda and I moved to Frankfort Square in 1990 and moved to our present location in Mokena in 2008. We have two daughters, both now in college and a 12-year-old springer spaniel named Reagan (after the great Republican President Ronald Reagan).

I first became a staunch Republican in 1994 following the election of Bill Clinton and the beginning of his Administration's attempt to regulate my hunting firearms. His passing of the Brady Bill and assault weapons bans were bad enough, but the reaction of major left leaning organizations and members of his administration to the successful passing of this legislation, by calling for more bans and punitive regulations, cemented my commitment to the Republican party, which was and remains to this day a decidedly pro-gun and pro-freedom party.

In October of last year I was asked by my friend Ed Ronkowski, Chairman of the Frankfort Township Republican Organization, to run for precinct committeeman for Frankfort Township's 13th Precinct. I obtained the necessary signatures and am now on the ballet to be your 13th Precinct Republican Committeeman.

So what do Precinct Committeemen do exactly? Officially, they vote for the County Chairman of our respective party.  In cases of unexpected office vacancies, committeemen may be asked to vote to appoint a replacement to the vacant post.  Most importantly, precinct committeemen get to know their precinct and the voters who live there, educate voters on candidates for office and get out the vote on election days.

Now that introductions and background are done, let me fill you in on the purpose of this blog. My plans are to use this blog as a means to communicate information about Republican candidates for local, State and Federal office to the voters of the 13th Precinct. I believe it is especially critical to provide information to voters on local candidates, since many people (myself  included) sometimes have no idea who they are voting for when they step into the voting booth.

My goal will be to provide as much information as I can on the background and positions of local candidates, so that voters can make informed choices and we can select the best people for elected office. In the coming weeks, up to the March 20th primary, I will provide you with all the information I know on all of the Republican party's candidates on the March 20th primary ballot.

To best communicate the information, I will post details about candidates on this blog spot and connect this blog to Twitter and Facebook. 

To get instant access to blog entries when they are posted, follow us on Twitter @frankfort13thre or, "like" us on Facebook to get updates from this blog on your Facebook newsfeed.

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