Friday, March 9, 2012

The Frankfort Township Republican Organization Chairman, Ed Ronkowski produced this information this morning concerning the 16th Congressional District (new district) race between Manzullo and Kinzinger:

Manzullo has received much higher conservative ratings than Kinzinger from national organizations that studied 2011 votes, including:
    1. American Conservative Union lifetime scores: Manzullo 95.5 (#1 in Illinois), Kinzinger 72.
    2. Club for Growth: Manzullo 85, Kinzinger 56.
    3. Heritage Action for America: Manzullo 84, Kinzinger 63.
    4. Americans for Prosperity: Manzullo A+, Kinzinger B.
    5. National Journal (conservative composite score): Manzullo 74, Kinzinger 58.6

Manzullo has been endorsed by every conservative organization that has given an endorsement in the race, including:
  1. Illinois Tea Party
  2. RedState Editor and CNN political contributor Erick Erickson
  3. Family-PAC federal
  4. Eagle Forum of Illinois
  5. Illinois Federation for Right to Life PAC
  6. Illinois Citizens for Life federal PAC
  7. Illinois Conservatives (4,000 conservatives across Illinois under 35 years old)
  8. The Madison Project (national pro-life, pro-family group)

We are not in the 16th congressional district, but if you know any Republicans who live there you might want to share this information with them to help them when they decide to vote. A map of the new 16th congressional district can be found here:

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