Saturday, May 19, 2012

Edgar Montalvo for Illinois State Senate 19th District

Edgar Montalvo, Iraq War veteran, retired army colonel with over 30 years of service and a small business owner, is running for Illinois State Senate in the 19th District. Edgar needs upwards of 2,000 valid petition signatures to ensure he is on the November ballot.

Our 13th Precinct lies in the middle of the 19th District. As a supporter of Edgar's candidacy I am collecting nominating petition signatures to help get him on the November ballot. I plan to knock on doors over the next two weeks to collect as many signatures as I can from the 13th precinct.

To sign the petition you must be a registered voter who resides in the 19th District (a distinction that Edgar's Democrat opponent does not currently hold) and did not vote in the Democrat primary this past March 20th.

In case I missed you during my rounds through the precinct and you want to sign the petition, I will be more than glad to come by and get your signature. To request to sign the petition simply send me an email at: In the email, provide your name and address and a time that you will be home so I can drop by and retrieve your signature.

We need people like Edgar who are willing to stand up and run against the out of control Democrat machine in Cook County that has made such a mess of our state. To show your support for his kind of fiscal conservatism and common sense governance a petition signature is a way to do it.

To learn more about Edgar Montalvo's position on the issues facing our state, I urge you to visit his web site at: or his facebook page. You can also read from Edgar's current campaign brochure, which is included on this blog post.

A copy of the 19th Senate District map is also attached.

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