Monday, July 2, 2012

Chicago Democrats Try to Pull an Obama on Edgar Montalvo and Fail

According to the Will County Republican Organization newsletter:

On June 28, 2012, at the State Board of Elections in Chicago, the Democrats efforts to kick Republican Candidate for Illinois State Senate Edgar Montalvo (Mokena, New Lenox, Orland and Tinley Park) stumbled badly when Edgar retained 1,551 signatures after the binder check and a hearing on motions. Since Edgar needs only 1,000 signatures, the Democrat Objection is falling well short of its mark. That case has been continued to July 2, 2012 for filing of affidavits and more motions.

Thanks to everyone in the 13th Precinct who signed Edgar's petitions, it looks like Edgar will prevail against the tactics perfected by Barack Obama and his minions who use technicalities and subterfuge to remove potential rivals from the ballot. None of our petitions from the 13th Precinct were subject to any scrutiny, since our Republican voters are honest law-abiding citizens who believe in the sanctity of their individual votes as opposed to the cheating Democrats in Cook County who like to vote more than once. 

It is disappointing that Mr. Hastings, Edgar's Democrat opponent and a military man to boot, would stoop to such political shenanigans. We thought perhaps he would be able to face his opponent like a man instead of hiding behind a pack of lawyers like he seems to be doing. More the better then to expose his true nature to the voters of the 19th Senate District.

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