Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Edgar Montalvo Beats Cook County Democrat Lawyers - Is On the November Ballot

The Edgar Montalvo campaign reports that Edgar has won his petition signature challenge by Chicago and Cook County Democrats and is now on the November ballot as the Republican Candidate for Illinois State Senate for the 19th Senatorial District. According to the campaign, the Democrats tried to disqualify 80% of the 2,300 petition signatures collected over a one month period. The problem for the Democrats was that Republicans as a rule are not like Democrats in that they do not routinely use dishonest or unlawful means to get on the ballot, cast votes or count votes.

I know that all of the signatures I collected were collected from solid law abiding Republican voters in the 13th Precinct. I believe that the vast majority of other signatures collected by other persons for Edgar were done the same way. The result being that Edgar Montalvo is now on the ballot fair and square.
Edgar Montalvo has a new web site at: http://montalvo2012.org At this site Edgar has information on his background and biography and his stand on issues. He also has a facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/montalvo2012 Go there to "like" Edgar's page and follow his campaign announcements through Facebook. If you're a Twitter user, follow Edgar using your Twitter account at: https://twitter.com/emontalvo2012 or @emontalvo2012. 

An upcoming Edgar Montalvo fundraising event includes his "We're on the Ballot! Celebration and Fundraiser" scheduled for Sunday August 5th at 2:00 pm at Morgan's Thunder Bowl in Mokena. If you want to help Edgar with his campaign by giving him some much needed campaign cash, this is the event for you.

We congratulate Edgar Montalvo on making the November ballot and fully expect to be congratulating him again on the evening of November 6th when he wins election as Illinois next Senator for the 19th District.

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